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New Jersey Stone Façade Company

There is no better place to express your own unique style than with the siding of your home. Unfortunately, many homeowners choose to ignore the visual aspects of this area. While vinyl siding is a very affordable and commonly chosen option, stone veneer siding is a thousand times more beautiful. If you value curb appeal, this New Jersey siding type is an excellent choice for your home.

East Coast Roofing, Siding, & Windows is the most skilled siding installer in the area. Since 1979, we've provided over 25,000 homeowners with gorgeous installations and first-rate customer service. Our process is proven by our Better Business Bureau's A+ rating and accreditation, as well as our Angi "Super Service Award." We are the experts you will want to call.

New Jersey's Premier Stone Veneer Siding Company

If you're in the market for a premium siding installation, there is no better choice than our team at East Coast Roofing, Siding, & Windows. All our installers are industry experts who value flawless craftsmanship, quick installations, and exceptional performance. Our New Jersey siding replacements utilize CertainTeed products, highly regarded for their timeless appearance and durable longevity. Their stone siding options are truly stunning, and will drastically boost your home's aesthetic.

When you install CertainTeed STONEfacade siding in greater Mays Landing, you'll benefit from:

  • Unrivaled Beauty: Stone siding is a luxurious material to add to your home. CertaintTeed's STONEfacade provides the same look, but with easy installation. No masonry is required.
  • Weather Protection: STONEfacade is built with a rain screen, providing water drainage and support.
  • Mold Resistance: Equipped with a steel panel, mold and mildew has no opportunity to grow.
  • Warranty Protection: CertainTeed provides full warranty protection on all its products to ensure peak performance.

Start Your Installation With a Free Quote Today

There is no better way to achieve a one-of-a-kind look for your home than with stone veneer siding. At East Coast Roofing, Siding, & Windows, our skilled team has the experience to provide flawless installations every time. In addition, we are talented roofing and window contractors in New Jersey, so be sure to browse all our services today and get started with a free quote.