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Cherry Hill, NJ Roofing Contractor

Established in 1979, East Coast Roofing, Siding, and Windows has been proudly serving Cherry Hill and the rest of New Jersey for over four decades. We take great pride in not only our roofing acumens, but our community relations and customer service above all. We are community leaders in New Jersey, sponsoring food drives, feeding centers, and nonprofits as well as giving away 1-2 free roofs each holiday season to customers in need. We’ve built our reputation on trust and integrity, and we know that actions speak louder than words.

Our commitment to our customers means we will always offer the best value roofing service with the highest quality products while still offering affordable options to fit anyone’s budget.

Residential Roof Replacement and Installation
East Coast Roofing, Siding, and Windows is the premier residential roofing contractor in Cherry Hill. From brand new construction roof installations to full roof replacements, we offer quality and workmanship you can trust. With a history or excellence in residential roofing backed by our many accreditations and stellar warranties you’ll know you’re in good hands when you call us your preferred roofing contractor.

  • Thousands of 5 Star Reviews
  • 40+ Years in Business
  • GAF Master Elite Certified
  • CertainTeed 5-Star Contractor Certified
  • 25 Year Workmanship Warranty
  • Lifetime Product Warranty

Asphalt Shingle Roofs Cherry Hill
Asphalt shingles are the most common residential roof material in New Jersey which is why we’ve made them our specialty. Affordable, reliable, and durable, asphalt shingle roofs have become the preferred choice for homeowners in Cherry Hill and across the country for decades. At East Coast Roofing, Siding, and Windows, our expert roofers install three types of asphalt shingles produced by premium vendors to work with all budgets and needs.

Three-Tab Asphalt Shingles
The most common type of asphalt shingle, three-tab shingles are aptly named for their three-tab appearance. These lightweight shingles are easy to maintain and budget friendly with a lifespan up to 20 years.

Architectural Asphalt Shingles
Architectural asphalt shingles are the perfect choice to give your Cherry Hill home that extra burst of curb appeal. With a greater color variety and a shape that adds dimension to your roof, they’re sure to please. While the up front cost for architectural shingles is higher than three-tab, they have a much longer lifespan – up to 50 years – and have reflective versions that can reduce energy costs.

Premium Asphalt Shingles
Premium asphalt shingles are designed to imitate the look of designer roofing materials such as slate and cedar shake with out the high-end cost associated with those materials. These shingles can offer a unique look to your roof while still offering the durability and reliability of standard asphalt shingles.

Interested in a new roof or roof replacement? Call today to schedule a free consultation with one of our expert roofing professionals.

Providing roofing services in Cherry Hill and the following zip codes:08002, 08003, 08034.