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Camden County, NJ Roofing Company

Not sure which contractor to turn to for your next home remodeling project? Choosing the right remodeling company in Camden County, NJ can be daunting, especially when you haven't had to tackle a big renovation before. At East Coast Roofing, Siding, & Windows, we understand how hard it is to find a trustworthy contractor who fits your budget. We make sure you get a beautiful end result through the support of our entire remodeling team.

As a BBB-accredited, A+ rated contracting company in Camden County, we go above and beyond on every project. Our team listens to your concerns and provides affordable solutions to them. We also work with top-grade roofing and home remodeling materials.

Some of our home improvement services include:

  • Roof Replacement
  • Siding Replacement
  • Gutterwork
  • Window Replacement
  • Door Installation

Quality Residential Roofing Services

Ready to make an investment in a new roof in Camden County? We offer roof installations using brands, like GAF and CertainTeed, to homeowners who are looking for the best on a budget. Our products are guaranteed to provide protection and beauty for decades.  More than that, they come with energy efficiency features that keep the home more comfortable in all seasons.

Detailed & Careful Siding Installation

At East Coast Roofing, Siding & Windows, we want customers to feel secure in the new siding that they’ve chosen for their homes. As an established home siding company since 1979, we install a home exterior using products that will last a lifetime. Our local siding company even works with customers to pick out the ideal siding materials and options from trim to soffits and fascia.

Window Replacement Using ProVia Products

Want new vinyl window replacement? Looking for an ENERGY STAR-certified product that will protect your family through extreme temperatures and strong storms? We work with ProVia during window installations in Camden County. Known for energy efficiency and customized style options, these windows give homeowners the best of both worlds when it comes to updating their exteriors.

Seamless Gutter Installation & New Gutter Guards, Too

Gutters provide an important layer of protection for your home, whether that is sluicing rainwater away from the roof or allowing for safe drainage of ice melt. Our team in Camden County can take care of gutter replacement to keep your system in good condition. In addition to gutter installation, we also offer gutter guards to reduce debris build-up and reduce maintenance needs.

Preserve Efficiency with Exterior Door Installation

Are your exterior doors letting air in from outside, so your home is less energy efficient? Do you feel a little unsafe with an older, loose front door that won’t keep anyone from breaking in?  Whatever it may be, a new door can have a big impact on comfort and curb appeal. East Coast Roofing, Siding & Windows can provide your home restored integrity and beauty with a top-notch ProVia exterior door replacement.

Learn More About Our Home Improvement Services in Camden County

East Coast Roofing, Siding & Windows is ready to help improve your home exterior with the right remodeling services. If you are thinking about a big project or just need a small update, give us a call to set up a free cost estimate in Camden County. We’ll arrange a free consultation with a remodeling contractor who can help you determine the best course of action right away.