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New Jersey Roofing Replacement Contractor

Dealing with a malfunctioning roof can be a scary situation. After all, this element of the home is one of the most important structural pieces, and it keeps you and your family safe inside. When it fails, it can be hard not to panic. One of the best ways of ensuring that you never have to deal with a roof catastrophe is by replacing your roof when needed.

East Coast Roofing, Siding, & Windows is the roofing company you need. Our skilled installers have been providing quality roof replacements since 1979, and we're proudly accredited by the Better Business Bureau with an A+ rating. We're considered the roofing industry experts in New Jersey, proven by our multiple awards and distinctions. These include the GAF "Triple Excellence Award" and the Angi "Super Service Award." Our dedication to our craft is what sets us apart.

Qualified Contractors and Dependable Performance in New Jersey

If it's time for you to invest in a roof replacement, don't bother with other roof replacement companies in the Mays Landing area. Here at East Coast Roofing, Siding, & Windows, we're passionate tradesmen. Our entire team is GAF Master Elite certified, providing you peace of mind with your installation. We work exclusively with GAF products, a leading brand that's highly regarded for its durable products. Additional benefits include:

  • Fantastic Warranty: With lifetime protection, you can feel confident that your installation will never fail you, even in extreme weather.
  • Multiple Styles: We carry a variety of New Jersey roofing types that GAF offers. Timberline shingles are by far the most popular product.
  • Weather Resistance: The climate can change at any moment. GAF shingles offer superior wind protection to keep you and your family safe inside.
  • Algae Resistance: Never worry about rot! The products we install will never suffer from mildew growth that compromises the materials.

Contact Us For Your Roof Replacement Estimate Today

There's no point waiting if your home needs a new roof. Whether you've suffered damage or general wear and tear, our competent team members will help get your home back in shape. East Coast Roofing, Siding, & Windows has a variety of services for homeowners, so be sure to check them all out. From quality roofing products to new siding and windows in the Jersey area, we do it all.

Contact us today and get started with a free quote!